Saturday, February 12, 2011

Winnepeg Humane Society

I was out getting a little reflexology today. Afterward we had a fun chat. She asked if I was on facebook because she had linked a fun video. No facebook for me. But I did look up the cute commercial on Youtube. I hope you animal lovers enjoy this:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

All Because of a Rat & a Fat TV

Check out my new super cool homesteader's pantry corner in the kitchen!

Now I can show off all my super cool stuff that I canned and dehydrated and otherwise preserved. I've got apple sauce up there, preserved meyer lemons, jams, dried tomatoes and, well, some stuff from the bulk bins at the co-op. Shhhh. Here, in case you didn't get a good look, here is a close up:

Yes, I'm totally showing off. So, how did I get this new addition to the kitchen? Counter space and cupboards without a remodel? Well, it was the antique store down on Main Street. But why now? Well, it all started with Michael and his giant TV.

Michael has wanted a gigantic TV for years. Each year he politely drops hints like, "Hey, big screen TV's on sale!" or "I can't watch the super bowl on our TV. I can't see anything on it. It's too small." I would roll my eyes and remind him how little TV we do watch. We got rid of cable years ago. The kids only get to watch 30 mins each on Saturday morning plus the occasional movie on the dinky TV. But we could always close the dinky TV off. Out of sight, out of mind.

This year Michael came up to me and said, "Hey. I just found an incredible price on a 50" TV delivered!" I was in the shower at the time and I said, "Okay. Get it." There was a dramatic pause followed by, "What did you say?" I responded, "Go ahead and get it." Then, because I'm sure he couldn't believe his ears, he pulled the shower door open and with the largest eyes I've seen in some time quizzed, "You said YES?" Well, the next thing I knew: point, click, deliver. I caved because although we don't watch a ton of TV, I was finding it difficult to read the subtitles on the movies I like. Totally selfish. Plus, the poor man had been graciously living without cable for years.

In the mean time, we discovered we have a rat situation in the garage. A really, really bad rat situation. (Can you think of a good rat situation?) First, the rat ate through a part on our washing machine. Fortunately, it was under warranty and we were able to get the part replaced. But, our garage is also my pantry because I have such a dinky kitchen. This is truly a 1959 kitchen. They had no appliances in those days. And at first I thought perhaps they wouldn't have had more than the two drawers (not full size, mind you) I was left with. But then I realized, someone probably carved out the drawers in order to put in that dishwasher. Anyhow, most of the food is in the garage. Well, now most of the food is in the garbage or compost. That place is full-O-rat-poop!!! Ewe!

We thought to take the armoire (formally for the dinky TV) and put it in the kitchen and turn that into a new pantry. But then we realized how practical and unsightly that would be. Interior decorators we are not. I said something to Michael about a super cool vintage sideboard I'd been oogling in the antique window for months. So, we jumped right downtown just in time to see a young couple wheeling my dream piece of furniture out the door. Darn! But, instead, I came across this cupboard and set of shelves. Lucky me!!

So, while the family snarfs up chips and homemade guac in front of the 50" super Y chromosome enhancer watching the Packers cream the Steelers, I'm in here showing off my new pantry.

I think the armoire will go back on Craig's list ... or out to the garage to be a giant storage space out there. Not sure.

Hey, look kids! It's the Black Eyed Peas large as life!

Must be half time. Better replenish those snacks.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day 2011

Well, it's Groundhog Day. And that little guy apparently did not see his shadow. So, it will be an early Spring. At least for the people in Punxatawney, PA. I suppose they deserve an early Spring what with all their crazy winter storms.

We, on the other hand, could still use some more precipitation. We took the kids up to Mineral for a day of sledding with some friends of ours. This was last month when we had some wet winter weather. What a blast everyone had. There was tearing down the hill in sleds and saucers and snurfers. My kids would really enjoy a few more weeks of winter if there were some snow involved.

And then the kids took a break and made snow cones out of, well, SNOW and some juice we'd brought along. My kids, squirrels that they are, also took their lunch break in the trees surround the sled hill.

Michael and I survived our cleanse. I have decided that easing into it and easing out of it is the way to go. So, I start of January with absolutely no sugar and gradually increase my consumption until December when I'm out of my mind again and ready to detox. And thus the years will go.

Rex has to be our most open minded child when it comes to food. He loves to cook and will try just about anything at least once. He not only learned how to cook our gluten and casein free almond flour pancakes, but took to eating them with a fried egg on top. And he photographed them too. I think that guy gets to be the resident food photographer.

Here is a recipe for the Almond Flour Pancakes:

4 pastured eggs
1 can organic coconut milk (full fat, baby!)
1 T vanilla
1 1/2 cups almond flour
1/2 t sea salt
1 t non alum baking powder
1 T cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg

Whip up the liquid ingredients. Sift together dry ingredients. Add dry to wet ingredients. Let chill and set for about 15 mins. Drop spoons full of batter onto preheated griddle. Wait until little bubbles appear and then flip.


Michael was away traveling during our 13th anniversary this year. But he sent me a picture of us in Las Vegas last year. He also sent a tremendously beautiful bouquet from California Organic Flowers - grown here in Chico and delivered by a parent from Rex's class. They're neat people! And California Organic Flowers delivers all over the place. I highly recommend them. And, thanks, Sweetie! Happy Anniversary to you too!

Next week we celebrate Michael's birthday. And we follow that up with something for Amira the week after that. She had a choice between a sleep over with three friends or a day time party with lots of friends. She opted for the daytime party. Today she said, "How big will the bounce house be?" Excuse me, no bounce house. That is a once a year thing for Halloween. I will bake you a cake and you guys can run around and play games. That's called a birthday party. No bounce houses, pinatas, ponies or goody bags. These kids' parties today are out of hand, I tell you.

Although, with regard to adult parties ... well, maybe a bounce house is in order but I think people would just spill their drinks.

In other news, Rex is loving school at Blue Oak. He absolutely has taken to enjoying the violin. He practices it without us ever asking him to do so. He is really taken with his teacher and seems to be getting along well with all of his classmates. They are studying Ancient Egypt at the moment. That's really cool. There is a huge mural outside his classroom that all the kids worked hard to make. I also saw their names written in what looks like Heiroglyphs on their desks this morning. I had to go in and borrow a chair to stand on so I could pin the mural back up as it was suffering from a little too much student attention.

Both Amira and Valerie are smitten with their teachers. Amira is excited to be able to write more and read more. And her favorite thing is really playing the cello. She is honored to have been invited to play in the orchestra this semester. Valerie continues with the cello, violin, recorder and piano. Plus, Valerie is a voracious reader. She's been through all the Rick Riordan books, the entire Mysterious Benedict Society series, Sisters Grimm series and has picked up Nancy Drew. Generally speaking, the kids seem really happy. And as a result, we are really happy!

Happy Groundhog Day!