Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring Break at Blue Sky Ranch

Where did our break go? We kicked off an action packed week by running by the Flying Biscuit. I had to try the fried green tomatoes (as we were in the South, after all). I even tasted some grits.

Valerie opted for the stack of chocolate chip pancakes. While not specifically Southern, still delicious.

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, Amira & Choo Choo kicked up a little ride. They looked like a scene from Bonanza.

Rosa is just two years old and full of frolic.

Valerie was in love with La Mancita.

Group photo!

There was some time for relaxing. Amira said everything here was especially soft and comfortable.

Rex & Choo Choo took the big tractor out for some chores & pleasure ride. It was Rex's pleasure.

Striking a pose at the bass pond between reeling in those fish.

All the kids love to drive the Gator.

More horsing around. We were all bow legged by the end of this trip.

Miss Amira was all over that horse salon time. Mancita's tail never looked so sleek.

On Wednesday Rex caught THE BIG ONE. The legendary monster bass grabbed the hook!

The boys were looking for a bucket of water for the fish when a wickedly fun idea crossed my mind.

YouTube Video

Valerie, I owe you a root beer float!

Following that, the boys filleted that legendary bass, dredged it in pancake batter and deep fried it. (Seemed an appropriately Southern thing to do).

Here's chef Rex with his creation.

After stuffing ourselves with bass, we wrangled kids & pets for a family photo.

Thanks, Blue Sky Ranch!

Location:Lancaster, SC

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Performing Artist

It has been Valerie's week. First she was invited (as part of the school orchestra) to play for the Chico Arts Commission.

First the kids sat up at the front pretending to hold court. Then they were chased down into the pit to play.

YouTube Video

Then on Saturday she participated in the Butte County Fashion Revue with her Fiber Arts 4-H group.

You may remember she sewed a skirt & quilted bag.

As part of the show (after the judging) the participants could get hair & make up done in the dressing room for free from the local beauty college.

Wow, Valerie!

And look at this strut. The commentary in the video below was written by Valerie. Here she models her skirt & bag.

YouTube Video

Here's all the contestants & beauticians.

Valerie took home two blue ribbons.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Epic Lambing

Okay, what is cuter than a baby? As part of the Fiber Sheep group at 4-H, Valerie was invited out to the lambing barn at Chaffin. This place was a regular maternity ward complete with color coded cards where all the mom and baby info would go.

Here is a mom with her twins. Most had twins or triplets. A few had singles. Out of 24 ewes ready to lamb, they had them all timed to go within a five day period.

When we arrived today a birth was in progress. Twenty minutes before we got there, this ewe had a lamb . She was still calmly washing it as she started to push the second one out.

She made it look easy. I was hoping Valerie would not get the impression that birth was this easy.

When I came to pick her up three hours later we saw a black ewe with a set of hooves stuck out her backside. I guess she'd been that way for a bit when the decision was made to help her out. This procedure involved long gloves, lubricant, antiseptic, ropes attached to the little legs and lots of pulling and great cries of discomfort. I leaned in to let Valerie know this was a more accurate depiction of birth -- as far as I was concerned.

I didn't take any photos of this one. It was too intense. But she birthed a healthy young boy that seemed big compared to the others. He even had some horns started. Can you imagine?

They let Valerie name this guy. This year the sheep all have names starting with the letter "e". So, Valerie named him Epic.

It was kind of Epic.

This 4-H business has been amazing. It would be cool to have a couple small sheep ...