Sunday, September 7, 2014

Crawfish Boil Among Other Things

When was the last time you went to a crawfish boil? We went this afternoon! Our friends, Holly & Casey hosted a big old crawfish boil at their home. They have the most interesting get togethers! (Sometimes they'll serve up pork they raised themselves ... And they are always pulling stuff out of their beautiful garden).

Here's how I found Casey upon our arrival.

YouTube Video

Tons of kids got together to play & eat watermelon before the main event.

Here's Holly & Casey dumping out a trough of spicy crawfish on the paper covered table. Dinner is served!

After a brief lesson on how to eat the critters, everyone swooped in.

Thanks, Holly & Casey!!! That was so much fun.

In older news, I thought I'd put up some photos of Valerie in her 4-H gear from the county fair with her prize winning sheep.

Here's a photo of the signage above her sheep pen at the fair.

Valerie is checking and setting feet during the show. Bambi (show name: Feather) won reserve champion in the fiber sheep category.

Amira celebrated her last days of summer at our neighbor's birthday party at the Orland pool. Apparently they had a high dive. Apparently Amira has no fear 😝

Back at home Amira got hold of my phone I'm assuming as I found several photos of Spot eating cilantro under her desk.

I also found what appears to be a self portrait.

Our garden was partially successful this year in spite of my neglect. I was out hunting for any potato stragglers I could find the other day (found 3!) and pulled up the "carrot king" shown here. Carrot muffins, soups, salads, bunny treats, etc. it was pretty darn sweet!

In other news, Valerie has upgraded to a full size cello! Michael bought her a really nice cello with a lovely hard case. This cute little sticker came with it. I love it!

Here are an excited Valerie & Rex unveiling the cello from its box.

Rex was apparently excited about the box.

It's a beautiful instrument with a very rich tone compared to her old one (that was a rental). She's been playing all weekend. Well, she took a break for the crawfish boil.