Happy April 2020! It's a different one for sure. In February, I sure didn't see March coming. Well, not the way it played out. Anyhow, with all the stay home orders and COVID-19 hysteria, I've taken the opportunity to find a little something each day for which to be grateful. I'd like to think that I did that anyway. But now I am feeling especially grateful for all that we have and try to focus a little less on what we miss. Of course, friends and family, I miss seeing you!! As soon as we get through this there will be hikes in the park and people over for dinner and lunches out!
Right now I'm grateful that circumstances brought Rex and Valerie back home this year. Valerie headed out to Oregon in September and, because life is full of surprises, she came back to us at the end of October. Presently she is working in an eldercare facility. What a tough job! She is a hard worker and we are very proud of her. And she continues to go work daily as an essential employee in these times.
Lately when home Valerie has taken to sewing masks for people. She is talented and has the patience of a saint. I tried mending some of my skirts myself and, well, let's just say one can tell. But Valerie's masks look great.
Valerie even made a sweater for our hairless guinea pig, Carl. He's so stylish!
Rex had been in a program in Phoenix for BMW. He shifted course and came home and got a local automotive technician job. Right now he is abiding the "stay at home" orders. So he has a project here: the go cart. It's a zippy little number. Here is Rex with Amira and his go cart. When life resumes some sense of normalcy I understand he plans to go back to college to get a degree in mechanical engineering. Of course his love of all things mechanical keeps him busy working on all the cars and taking on projects out of the home garage. It's fun to watch him get into his passion and really enjoy it.
As for Amira, she is "remotely schooling". I know she misses actually seeing her friends and having real face to face classes. But she is a trooper! She is spending time each day on her school work and then finding ways to entertain herself. It's great that Rex and Valerie are home so she has people to hang out with. She has gone skateboarding, bike riding and go-carting with them.
I am still considered an "essential worker". So, lucky me! I still have a job. I go in each day and volunteer my time helping at the drive up meal service for families. Then I go into the office for a bit and take care of all those things that require me to actually be there. Lately, when I can, I bring my computer home and do some work from home. I definitely miss going to the gym each day. But getting together with teachers and administrators, putting on a little dance music and handing out meals is my new morning routine. It's not quite the cardio workout that Zumba was, but I get to practice my Spanish and a few dance moves.
Recently I had a birthday and my co-workers practiced good social distancing as they handed me a card and gift at the morning meal service.
I actually had quite a full day of well wishers and little packages and cards dropped off on my door step. Here is a sign of the times from one of the cards I received:
A good friend brought me a hammock that I didn't know I needed.
As for Michael, why do I not have photos of that guy?! He has been busiest of all. While his work has suffered greatly due to the present situation, he has had a great attitude and taken up all sorts of projects at home. He has been cooking, cleaning, fixing, mowing, weeding, etc. And, although I retired from chicken farming a couple of years ago, it's still in his blood. So, he recently ordered a bunch of chickens that just arrived yesterday. While I don't of pix of Michael with chicks, I did get some with the kids. (I'll try to get some Michael pix before next post!)
For now I am grateful for all of my friends, family, job, health and having my kids all home. Look for those rainbows!!
Lastly ...