Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Old Bessie Comes Home!

The big exciting news this week is that OLD BESSIE CAME HOME! Michael has been working hard for the last year and half on creating an all electric car. We bought 'Old Bessie' as she was dubbed in June of 2008. We had such fun rumbling around in her for about a month before she was taken to a garage and her engine pulled.

So, in between all the traveling, household chores, being a super dad and super husband, my "Mr. Greenjeans" has been working very hard on this creation. The coolest thing about this car (aside from that it is convertible and totally retro) is that it makes NO SOUND. I didn't even hear Michael bring her home the other day. It's the stealth car.

Of course it is chilly and raining off and on. So, without a proper leak-proof top, we can drive her on those fair days. We bundle up in hats and coats and gloves and cruise off to school and errands. In fact, the other day I drove her to school so that I could totally brag about what my husband created. I said to a mom, "Well, I drove our electric car here!" She responded, "Oh, did you get a Prius?" I relished saying, "A PRIUS?? That's not electric. I drove our homemade electric car here. Want to see it?"

It's true. I'm a bit of a snot.

Here's a picture of the engine. How clean is this??

Michael and I even took her out on "date night" last night. We were going to have dinner and a movie. Well, we got dinner. We suffered through a few of those "previews" at the theater before being told we had to evacuate. I guess you're really not allowed to yell "fire" in a crowded theater. But, apparently the popcorn machine blew up. They say they'll give us a rain check. Like it's so easy for us to get out of the house. Michael said they should reimburse us the sitter too.

We are starting to sound like the cranky old couple who just took the horse and buggy out through the driving snow. Must be that "Fit Forever" class rubbing off on me.

In other news, I'm always pleased to see my kids sitting and reading. Of course, I don't know how I feel about the fact that they've taken to reading the parent manual. I mean, what kid reads "How to talk so kids will listen and How to listen so kids will talk"? Seriously?

And while I was pulling pix off the camera I found out that those varmints have been taking my camera and having a photo shoot with themselves. Looks like this was before the haircuts.

Speaking of hair cuts, Eily came over again the other day. No hair cuts! Eily whispered something in Amira's ear at one point and Amira said, "No. I'm not allowed to. My mom doesn't trust me any more."

Valerie has been socializing with friends from her new school and her old school. Natalie and Valerie enjoyed some homemade hot cocoa with fresh whipped cream. Yup, I went all Martha Stewart on those kids. I'm sure they didn't notice the difference between this and a cup of Swiss Miss.

Here you see Valerie and her friend Hannah posing at ninjas or something. Actually, this is one of the cloaks I made. The fact that it hasn't fallen apart yet makes me totally happy.

Speaking of not falling apart, I made another trip to Forever Fit this week followed by a pilates class today. I'm off to have Zumba tomorrow. Then I think the rest of the week I will spend in a wine and turkey coma.

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