Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

And another Christmas came and went. They seem to come and go quicker every year. I guess that's why I have to write everything down. I remember saying to someone way back in November that I will hardly remember December. But I will wake up in January with a heavier body and a lighter bank account feeling really exhausted and figure that it must have been good.

One of the highlights to our winter holidays is the visit from Uncle Dave. Every kid vies for his attention. Amira gave him a cello concert. This was followed by Uncle Dave playing a little number for Amira. He's such a good sport!

We started our traditional Christmas Eve at Neni & John's house. The tree was festive. And so was everyone else. But just to ensure a festive mood, John was ready with the martinis.

While the kids ran around taking in the atmosphere of all the decor and packages we chatted and moved on to the next martini.

White our Christmas wasn't a white one, being down in the flat lands of California, it was really pleasant outside. Most of us enjoyed the view of the bare oaks from Neni's deck. And we've shoveled ourselves out of white Christmases before in Truckee, so, yes, I'm bragging. Might I also brag that we had power all month long too. But back to the lovely oaks ...

In fact, here are Dave, Alan & Michael all in one shot. It's just as tough to get a good picture of these three together as it is to get one of the kids.

I have to say the kids were really good about the lingering pace of the adults as we savored dinner and moved on to the traditional Shubert's Snowballs. Favorite quote of the evening came from Susan, "Is everybody lit?" In the context, that question was hysterical.

Rex and John were finalists in the snowball burn-down contest. Rex beat John out by seconds. As soon as we smelled the last bit of singed sugar the girls sprang up from the table and raced to the packages by the tree. Let's face it, we drew it out as long as we could.

Miss Amira got the glamour-puss award. From her cousins in Portland she got a pair of fancy purple shoes (high heels!), jewelry and a fancy hat. No ruby slippers for this girl. It's purple pumps all the way, baby!

Just when we thought that couldn't be out done, she opened the "wedding dress" from Alliagor - complete with veil. Alligator had fun with the merchants while shopping for a wedding dress for his granddaughter. When asked what size, he replied, "Well, she's a six year old. But she's been promised for some time now." We expect CPS to come by anytime to inquire about the wedding of the six year old.

Rex has decided to give his sister away ... seriously ...

Valerie got such things as a Swiss Army knife, water colors, American Girl Doll clothes ... the classics. Rex got a few things things like a Ripstick (the skate board with two halves and only two wheels) and the monster nerf gun.

Oh, and these kids got much more too. Really the most fun is watching the anticipation and the thrill of diving into the unknown.

For some reason Christmas Day came a little early. Maybe it was the martinis. Maybe it was the wine. Maybe (for some) it was that rusty nail. I told Napoleon not to mix his drinks ... but did he listen to me?

There was a little more tearing into wrapping paper. Rex road his new long board out to get the newspaper. Frankly, between the ripstick and the long board, he couldn't decide which to ride first.

And, as is tradition, every Christmas Day brunch ends by Grandma shooting the place up after a few mimosas. (Standard American Christmas Tradition)

On Sunday it was boxing day. We celebrate boxing day by boxing up all the Christmas stuff and returning our house to normal. What a relief. And so it's back to yoga and no more eggnog for me. Well, for several months anyhow. January 3rd I'm looking forward to kids back in school and some sanity. That's the best gift of all!

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