Friday, June 24, 2011

Zephyr Across the West

Since Rex got a special trip to Netherlands with Daddy last winter, the girls and I took a special trip to Colorado this summer. One thing that made this trip special was to take the Zephyr from Sacramento to Denver. We had never taken the Amtrak train before, so it was a new experience for all of us.

Before we'd even boarded the train, Amira and Valerie met two girls, Faith Anne and Mandi, the same ages. The girls were going all the way to Rochester, NY through Chicago. So, they would be on the train even longer than us. And we had the luxury of a sleeping car which provided tons of entertainment for all four of the girls.

I rarely see beauty in the desert. For me it is an arid, desolate place to be endured while I drive as fast as I can to the next oasis. However, while sitting in the dining car watching the long shadows of the sunset paint the sands and silhouette the shrubs as I relaxed it really became a magical experience that I wanted to prolong.

Faith Anne and Mandi's mom had brought a video for her girls to watch that evening. So, our sleeper became a "movie theater". We were all tuckered out and went to bed lulled by the clickety clack and gentle rocking of the train. Before I drifted off I spent a long time staring at the incredibly bright stars shining above the Nevada desert. Without any towns or freeways near by, there was no other light to compete with the stars above.

The next morning we woke early to sunrise over the Utah desert. The sun was bright bringing a different drama to the landscape. In fact, the desert in Utah had a decidedly more barren look to it than Nevada. But, it also had more dramatic rock jutting straight up in different colored strata from the desert floor.

The four girls were reunited for another day of fun and games in the observation car. They played dominoes and card games and chased each other back and forth to the chagrin of the people in the dining car.

As we crossed over into Colorado, we began to really feel like we were in the Rocky Mountains. The landscape began to be rushing rivers, pine forests and snow capped peaks. The sky was less open and a little more cloudy. Occasionally we would spot geese or deer along side the train. Most often we were not near a road or a town. Seemingly wild horses drank from rivers that flowed through the valleys in the mountain passes.

Just as we finished dinner on the train Tuesday night, we pulled into the station in Denver. This was clearly a big city compared to the towns we'd seen along the route. Well, we did go through Salt Lake City in Utah, but that was at 3:00AM and we were sleeping and missed it.

Just getting off the train, the girls noticed a sign for the "Rex Lounge" so we had to photo that for their brother. They really missed him a lot and wished they could have shared the experience with him.

Faith Anne and Mandi jumped off the train in Denver to hug their new found friends good-bye. They were going to have to find some new friends for the rest of the journey. The train is such a social place, I have no doubt they succeeded.

Grandma Kim and Paul were waiting across the street from the station. We could see them from the train windows.

Grandma Kim showed Valerie and Amira her "second life".

The girls built a fairy house together. Inside and later moved it out doors. Most of our dining has been al fresco at grandma & grandpa's house. There is a baby bunny that lives under the deck where we dine. He visits the fairy house regularly.

On Thursday grandma dropped us off at the neighborhood pool/water park. This gave grandpa and the nervous cat in residence a much needed quiet time. It was also delightful for the girls. This time Amira was tall enough to go down the big slide. Valerie and Amira had a blast playing together in the pool all afternoon.

Thursday evening Grandpa Paul took the girls down to a river to look for snakes and mules. They didn't see any. But they did see a rabbit. This pace is crazy with rabbits! Of course, while they were out, mom and I had a glass of wine on the back deck and a cute little deer ambled by.

Friday was a trip to the zoo. It is really beautiful built into the mountainside on the south side of Colorado Springs. Mom bought tickets to take a tram up to the top. The views were incredible.

One of the highlights of our trip to the zoo was petting the baby wallaby. Super cute!

Just as the heat and altitude were really getting to the girls, we said good-bye to the giraffes on our way out. And we are having a restful afternoon at home while Kim and Paul attend a doctor apppointment. Tonight I'll take them out for Mexican food. Tomorrow we'll head into Manitou for a nice breakfast. Sunday will see us flying home to Chico. Certainly a quicker trip home than out.

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