Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Last Two Weeks of Summer Vacation 2012

Why it seems a distant dream that Michael and I were walking hand in hand through the Paris Louvre and Pantheon. But it actually happened just 2 months ago! I have to remind myself every now and again.
Alas, it's been a pretty action packed summer! We've gotten in loads of camping. Our last trip to Whiskey Town afforded a trip to the crisp and clear and refreshingly chilly waterfall. I think of that with great relief today as it is up over 100*F again here in Chico.
There were the good times with Bailey. "Hey! Bailey!! Want to come over today for some fun? We're patching up pot holes today. Nothing like hot asphalt on a hot day."
Now, that's a friend!
And our "last Hurrah" together was a quick trip to the cabin in Truckee Last weekend. Here's a photo glimpse of some lovely hiking/rock climbing where it was a comfortable 85*F.
It was really a fantastic trip. There was hiking in the morning, swimming and ping pong on the beach in the afternoon followed by drinks and snacks on the deck evening. We rounded out the night by playing dominoes and Scrabble until we all fell asleep. Now we're back at home ... on the farm. It's chore-ville for the kids. Valerie will always remember me as the mom who never said anything but, "Is your room clean yet?"
And Rex has resumed his impressive baking. Pictured below is his Gluten Free Chocolate Castle Bundt Cake with drizzled milk chocolate over the top. It was a little slice, er, several slices of heaven!
Now, that's a summer vacation!

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