Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Excitement

A phone call comes in while I'm on the other line. I always feel so rude interrupting a conversation, so I don't. Miraculously I remember to check messages before leaving to pick Amira up from her sleep over. Turns out it's her friend's mother. Apparently she managed to give herself a pretty deep cut somehow. She's holding the wound closed and is wondering if I can bring over some butterfly bandages.

Clearly she does not know to whom she is speaking as a broken fingernail can send me into shivering convulsions of discomfort. Blood can cause me to slip rapidly from nausea to unconsciousness -- really misdirecting the medical attention to myself.

I tried calling her, to no avail. I wondered how bad it was? I couldn't find the butterfly bandages here. So I drove to the pharmacy. I couldn't find those things anywhere. So the pharmacist came running out hearing my panicked plea and rang me up right away.

Upon arriving at the destination I was met by my friend with a cloth diaper clinched around her hand. I drove her back to the pharmacy to get gauze, tape and iodine. I dreaded seeing the diaper come off the hand as we set up our home surgery in the kitchen. Sadly, she had to instruct me through most of the taping and do the disinfecting herself.

Turns out she was washing dishes when a glass broke and sliced a deep, juicy curve into her hand. Blech!

So, while I played Nurse Squeemish, the girls went down to the creek to play in the coolest fort ever.

Then I came home to focus on the beauty of the surviving citrus and bees in the yard.

I have to fill my mind with pleasant images to get the bloody ones out. For instance, Valerie's friend brought a baby bunny over the other day.

Is there anything cuter?

Okay, off to a 4-H meeting I go!

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