Sunday, June 9, 2013

While some people were out bagging ground squirrel for a cattle farmer (saving the lives of cows ... Temporarily I assume) others had to hold down the fort.

Mmm! Trophy squirrel ...

Since it wasn't a sweltering inferno today as it was yesterday, I was able to do a bit of pinching and weeding in the front herb and flower bed and hang out some sheets to dry. Honestly, the laundry I hung out yesterday actually spontaneously combusted by 10am. I decided to duck and cover under the shelter of the AC. (I know what you people in Phoenix are thinking: Wuss!) okay, yes.

Amira had her doppelgänger, Eily, over for a sleep over last night. Once Eily went home, she found some time to play with Precious (as we refer to my amazing iPod. I've even got Siri in French! Apparently my enunciation still sucks because he's like, "What?!")

Anyhow, I harvested gobs thyme and some calendula. I'm thinking of making my own healing salves instead of dropping coin down at the co-op.

Echinacea and roses were begging to be cut back and placed on the table. Really dresses up burger night!

Other delights of the season involve gaping at the bees that dive into the blooming artichokes like clown fish in anemones. I found this cool fuzzy black spider with white spots lurking about. I shall call him Spot. (It's true, I'm not allowed to name the pets anymore).

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the last Camp Kelly Hefeweizen found lurking in the garage fridge. Thanks, Scott! You are an awesome brewmaster (yes, both Scotts, but you know who you are).

And the rest of the family is playing in the dolphin holding tank.

This week we are supposed to get the pergola installed and the concrete sealed. I wahoo! Looking forward to a summer with some shade out back. And looking forward to planting grapes and other amazing things to canopy our back living space. Yay!!! I love pergolas. Thanks to my sweetie for staining ALL THAT WOOD.

Location:Squirrels, herbs, pergolas

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