Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 2: Divide & Conquer

Today was our second day of the gathering. After much milling about and many conversations at the hotel it was decided that Rex & Caleb would go for a bike ride, CJ & company would go on a beer run and that we would all meet up at Kevin's around noon to make plans for the day.

Once at Kevin & Karin's, it was decided that CJ, Hugh, Karin, Evan, Callie, Scott, Dawn, Rex & Valerie would head over to Fargo for the North Dakota State Fair.

Kevin, Caleb, Michael, Rex and I would go fishing on the Red River. Fun Fact#1: with a state fishing license, North Dakotans can fish either side of the river. Minnesotans can only fish their side.

Fun Fact#2: the Red River flows from South to North here!

We caught many snags here under the bridge.

We happened to notice this kid strolling by with a huge fish. At first he did not want to disclose the location of his awesome fishing hole. But he took pity on us and let the cat out of the bag.

Here we go to the fishing hole!

At first we didn't catch much but scenery ...

And Kevin was kind enough to reattach at least 6 hooks and worms and sinkers after I caught many a snag.

But then, success! Michael caught about 3 fish.

Caleb caught a fish and a tan.

Kevin and I persevered but seemed to attract wood.

Rex caught fish.

I finally caught the world's smallest catfish.

Later we met up at Caleb's house for the 2nd night of the big family get together.

Here are Addy & Brandon with Evan & Jay.

Here's Kate with her fiancée and Jay.

Brandon & Addy.

Caleb & Callie with Roscoe.

Amira held court with Evan & Jay.

CJ in the mix.

We are all a bit tuckered out and full from an awesome BBQ at Caleb's place.

Wilhelms represent.

Much hilarity!

Do the wheelbarrow!



A few more laughs and then goodnight until the morning when we all go separate ways... Eagle Grove, IA, Phoenix, AZ and Casper, WY,

What fantastic fun! Thanks, Minnesotans!

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