Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So, last month I got a letter home from school saying that Amira "failed" her hearing test at school. Well, we had gotten her a hearing test along with her kindergarten physical and it was okay a year ago. Perhaps she's not just ignoring me when I ask her to pick up her room? Guess I'm not yelling loud enough.

Anyhow, I decided to make the appointment at the doctor to get her hearing checked again. Because I just love paying doctor bills. I finally brought Amira in today and she passed the hearing test with flying colors. I was told her hearing is remarkable and excellent in both ears. Well, that's good news. And I guess she really is ignoring me when I ask her to pick up toys! Darn it!

I was just getting ready to stroll out of the office - hoping the bill might be less since we were only there for five minutes. But then I was asked to come into an exam room so the doctor could look at her. Cynic that I am, "Does she really need to see the doctor? I mean, she just passed the test with flying colors. That's good enough for me." But then I was told the doctor ought to look in her ears to see if she has an ear infection or fluid or wax or something that might impact her hearing.

Well, okay.

So, we sat there for a few minutes reading books when the doc came in. She peaked in Amira's left ear and said, "Well, I see something blue in this one." Blue? What?? Then she checked the other ear, "... and nothing blue in this one. Hmmm ..."

Amira says, "Oh. That's a bead. Lucas put it in my ear at school. That's why I don't like to hang out with him." After some questioning, turns out it's been there a while.

So, the doctor tried to "scoop it out" but it was waaaay down there. Naturally Amira flinched while she had her super long, light up scooper in the ear and it hurt. So, then Amira freaked out. The doctor recommended getting her ear rinsed with water to shoot it out. Well, Amira was having nothing to do with this.

Flash forward to 45 minutes later, bribes of lollipops and promises of double scoop ice cream cones and Amira grudgingly let me put some numbing drops her in ear. Then it took several flushes and another probe job to get that little bead outta there.

So much for a cheap visit. We were there from 3:30PM to 5:30PM. Well, it's no hospital bill ... but I know it's not going to be cheap.

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