Tuesday, June 15, 2010

May Faire

Last month (yes ... LAST MONTH) we had the May Faire at the girls' school. The school puts on two seasonal festivals. There is the "Harvest Festival" in the Fall. And then there's the "May Faire" in the Spring.

One of the fun things about these festivals is that everything is real. There is real entertainment (students drumming, playing recorders and violins and singing). No recorded music. People dress up in the spirit of the occasion. Real flowers adorn the entire site, from the top of the May Pole to each table and the garlands on peoples' heads. No plastic or fake stuff.

Here I am by the May Pole.

Valerie's class (and other classes) did a traditional May Pole dance. It was so cool. I've only heard of these things and read about them and seen pictures. I'd never been to one before. So, this was just tons of fun. Here's Valerie by the May Pole in her blue dress.

Also, at this school there are activities for each child to do. They can blow bubbles, pot plants, build fairy wands, shave ice for snow cones and get their hair braided. There are no "tickets" or money exchanged. This is just for fun and the experience. Also, there's no foam, plastic, paper or candy and wrappers being dumped at each station. Love that.

Here you can see the garland that Valerie made during class to wear to the faire. Another mom and I went to a field to pick tons of flowers (with the permission of the farmer, of course!) so the kids could make their own garlands. Also, the woven grapevines came from her house to make the wreath. How cool is that?

Here Rex & Valerie attend the hair braiding station. I really thought they were going to get Rennaisance Faire braid action. No such luck. But those fourth graders had a blast doing up the hair however they felt.

I also took part in the festival. I got suckered into singing "Roses for Sale" with some other moms. It was really fun. I would love to do it again.

So, there's actually a little drama that plays out for the gathering. The "green man" (our friend, Erik) comes to battle Old Man Winter and drive him away.

Anyway, his costume was so good, I didn't know it was him!

So long, Winter! Take THAT!

And now that it is safe, here come the King and Queen of the May!

And now for the May Pole dance.

One of the best things about festivals at this school is that they really encourage "no waste". All the food is homemade by parents. People are encouraged to bring their own dishes and utensils. Dish washing stations are available. There are bins for recycling. And best of all ... bins for compost! And, in this case, a bin for Holly's pig. How cool was this little sign?

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