Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Is Nearly Upon Us

Well, it has been a while since I've visited the written portion of Tifftown. I've been too busy living it! In fact, I've really got to find the camera charger and also pull some pix off the camera card. Lazy, lazy, lazy. So, no pix for you!

Rex wrapped up his 4th grade year on May 27th. Immediately following the release from school he went to a baseball game, camping with his dad and a couple day vacation in Santa Cruz with Neni and Uncle Dave. And what a difference between being 9 and 10. I had never heard of the "nine year change" until this year. It's an interesting metamorphosis to live through. And now we have a more independent young man with a little more confidence in his stride.

Valerie and Amira finished up Brownies and Daisies with a June Jamboree camping trip. Valerie spent two cold nights up at the Butte Meadows Boy Scout Camp (no boy scouts allowed that weekend!) And Amira spent a day camping trip up there. Of course I came along for the day trip. I had a van full of mostly 6 year old girls singing songs and laughing and saying things like, "That was hillariouser!" I can't remember the other memorable quotes. For some reason that stuck out.

This is their last week of school. Valerie will be going in to the 4th grade next year and Amira will move on to first. Amira has also requested cello lessons since the piano teacher won't take her until she's 7. So, for the next couple of weeks, both girls will be taking cello. Fun! I personally like the sound of it better than the violin.

Here's a picture of Valerie from the school May Faire.

Rex had an interesting fourth grade year and will be moving on to fifth. There was some dissatisfaction with his fourth grade year. It could have been that "nine year change". It could have been the general state of our public schools. It could have been that the girls defected to a Waldorf Charter School and left him behind.

As summer progressed, he began to entertain the idea of going over to the Waldorf school for fifth grade. I really didn't want to pressure him. But there are aspects of that school I really think he would like. For instance, the hands-on experiential learning would really appeal to him. The feeling of the school is also very homey - not institution-like. There's a real social dynamic as well as not being bogged down with work sheets and more homework than anyone should have. The field trips are phenomenal. Also, he knows some of the kids at that school. I think he gets along really well with them. The types of games they have for P.E. are a lot more engaging than your average P.E. program. I'm not sure how he'll feel about the music and art permeating every aspect of the experience. I personally think it's fantastic. But he's never had a desire to play an instrument or be in a chorus.

Here's some chalk board art from the Waldorf School. Even math is artsy!

Of course, it he goes over to that school, it will be so much easier on us as family too. I won't have to deal with conflicting engagements across town from each other. Also, I can once again give 100% to one school instead of 50% to each. And this school goes all the way up to 8th grade. I could be looking forward to four years of three kids at the same school. Really ... I'm so crossing my fingers they have space for him and he doesn't change his mind.

Anyhow, he is on the wait list. That particular grade has only one teacher and has had a wait list for a long time. He'll get priority since his sisters go there. I'm crossing my fingers that he will get in and love it. So, for now, I have to be silent about it and not play it up. But inside I'm jumping up and down for joy. I think it will be a great move.

In other news, Happy is definitely a rooster. And he's a beautiful one at that. He's got amazing coloring and a fantastic green tail. He's also the most docile, easy going rooster I've ever met. Michael is going to be sad to see him go. Well, we all will. But Michael and Happy have really bonded. That bird perches on top of his computer monitors or his arm and hangs out with him. Darn those city codes! So, Happy will be going to a "rooster sanctuary" at Chris' Egg Farm in Orland. Chris has promised him a great home. Happy deserves the best. It's always sad to say good-bye.

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