Saturday, June 28, 2014

Black Sheep Gathering

Just as soon as school got out for the summer Valerie spent many days at "sheep camp" preparing to show sheep at the annual Black Sheep Gathering. We caravanned from Chico to Eugene following two sheep trailers starting at 6:30am and arriving about 2:30pm. There were a few stops for coffee. Sheep people are apparently addicts.

As soon as we unpacked the sheep and supplies at the Lane County Fairgrounds a familiar low pitched BAA-AH called out to me, Forbes!!

Bambi really had no interest in anything but stuffing her face. She poked her head out of the hay pan just long enough for me to snap this photo. Whatever, Bambi.

Valerie, Madelyn & Briar took a little rest back at our deluxe trailer. Party headquarters for the teen girls. Partying consisted of Truth or Dare, listening to music, drop spindling, wet felting balls of soap and smuggling any sweets they could find. We shared the trailer with the barn manager so no one was ever late for those early morning barn chores.

I gave them all topsy tails and sent them out to practice showmanship skills with their fearless leaders, Brianna & Annie.

Here's Valerie with Forbes on the lawn taking direction. The girls practiced every day.

Caitlin, Hailey, Madelyn, Valerie & Sarah maintain control without leads.

Practicing in the ring after hours without leads or halters. Forbes is such a good boy.

Time for felting and crafts and a pot luck back at the trailer area.

In addition to a sheep show, there is also a fiber arts show. Valerie took a blue ribbon for her needle felted doll.

On Saturday night Briar, Madelyn, Ashlyn & Valerie got ready to participate in the Spinners Lead. The contestants wear something hand spun and crafted while walking the actual animal or type of animal from which the wool came. Here Valerie sports the cap she knitted with natural colored wool from Shetland sheep.

Here you see Valerie exhibiting her cap as she leads Bambi through the ring. People lead many types of animals ranging from sheep to angora goats to carrying a bunny.

On our last day I had the job of checking people into the ring and handing out ribbons at judging. I'm checking an ear tag on the lamb that Madelyn is showing. Here Valerie has Forbes. He took a 3rd place.

Here's Valerie showing Bambi, also got 3rd place.

We had a full on fiber judge. This guy pulls wool from the sheep and examines it as well as the structure of the animal. But he is really into the wool. Look at his sheep tie. Very serious guy. He actually brought a goat judge in for a second opinion once. That's some third place wool in his left hand!!

In closing, I'd like to thank Scott and Dawn for their contribution to our trip. This made the pot luck that much more enjoyable for me and two of my Mad Housewife friends!

And, always learn something:

Location:Eugene, OR

Friday, June 27, 2014

(Not so) Lazy Days of Summer

Finally! The kids can sleep in, unless they've signed up for a camp.

And while Amira sleeps, her bunny Spot plays librarian.

Afternoon swim lessons for the girls with time to play and race each other.

Madelyn & the girls usually gave a project or game going. This night they made their own bubbles. You can see the farmer trying to duck out of frame behind them. Gotcha!

This night our garden and skies looked especially inviting. What a sumptuous feast for the senses.

All of these flowers are volunteers this year.

Heavy pruning courtesy of the sheep pay off on the red flame grapes. Of course we routinely spot chickens jumping up for bites.

This will (hopefully) be the first year of apples for us.

Chardonnay grapes ... Mmmmm!

Turkey in the straw with part of his chicken harem.

Oh lazy summer days ... Well, we have not had too many of those yet. All of these kids, plants & varmints fill up our time. But, we sure love it all and are grateful for what we have.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunset Dip

After a week of back breaking work to put down weed cloth and sand and level the ground, patch the liner, set up the pool, filter and landscape rocks with boarders around the perimeter in over 100 degree heat with winds, Michael was rewarded by watching the kids jump in and frolic for a sunset dip.

Of course, now that the pool is up and full of fresh cool well water, it is no longer over 100 degrees. So, there were some chattering teeth.

And how wonderful this is going to feel through the rest of July and August! Thanks, Michael. You are a super hero dad. Build it and they will come!

In other farm news, there is a bumper crop of nectarines! I've made two cobblers already and need to get cracking on preserving them. We can smell the sweet scent of nectarines whenever we go into the orchard. I love yard food! (Birds and bees love it too).

Speaking of yard food, we didn't eat ALL of the artichokes (but they were so good!) now these "educated thistles" add to the beauty of the yard and provide a habitat/food for the bees. We can't help but to think of them like clown fish in an anemone.

Location:Rancho Rd,Chico,United States