Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ready, set, go!

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Valerie brought home part of a chair that was going to be thrown away at school. Add Rex + duct tape and you have an awesome new ride.

Be sure to test it out when it's getting dark and don't wear a helmet.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Rex's New Pet

I shall call her: Valerie

Little Tiny Quake

Ever feel a little movement of the room and see ripple of water in the case on the coffee table and wonder if you are losing your mind?

For this I love the Internet. It probably won't make the news, but this is the quake I felt all the way over here in the valley:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Spanish Orange & Almond Cake & Horses

First let me put a plug in for Edible Magazine. I pick up my copy of Edible Shasta Butte and read articles and recipes from the local farmers & chefs. I completely devour this publication. It's a great resource for finding CSA's, grass finished meats and information on what's growing locally during any season.

In this issue I happened upon a recipe for Spanish Orange & Almond cake. I looked through the ingredients and realized this dessert would be gluten and dairy free. Now, I'm not a big cake fan, but I happened to have all the ingredients and I was in the mood to dabble.

My cake came out so fluffy and MOIST and flavorful that I didn't bother to take a photo, I just started stuffing my face and offering it to anyone who would happen by.

I was able to find a photo of someone else's cake that looked a lot like mine:

Now, I used duck eggs to make this. That could have been the secret weapon right there. Duck eggs are not great to fry or scramble, but I HIGHLY recommend them for baking. I'm lucky to have a very generous neighbor with ducks (thanks, Michelle!)

So I will share the recipe with you as it was written. I added a pinch of salt that wasn't in the recipe. But here it is:

from Chef Brett LaMott, Cafe Maddalena

2 unpeeled Valencia oranges, washed, seeds removed & roughly chopped
1 Tablespoon water
5 egg whites
5 egg yolks
7 ounces sugar (divided)
8 ounces almond flour
2 ounces sliced almonds
2 teaspoons olive oil
(Pinch of salt)

Preheat oven to 350*. Oil a 9 inch spring-form pan & line the bottom with parchment.

Put oranges and water in a saucepan. Cover and cook over low heat for 30 mins until oranges are soft and liquid gas evaporated somewhat. Let cool 10 mins then chop fine with a knife or pulse in food processor.

Prepare meringue by beating egg whites in a bowl until stiff, then slowly adding 3 1/2 ounces sugar and beating 1 minute. Set meringue aside.

In another bowl, mix egg yolks with 3 1/2 ounces sugar and beat to a thick ribbon (approx 3 mins).

Fold Oranges & almond flour into yolk mixture. Fold 1/3 of the meringue into yolk mixture to lighten it, then fold in the balance quickly but thoroughly.

Pour batter into prepared spring-form pan. Sprinkle sliced almonds over the top.

Bake cake at 350* for 25 mins. Check cake. If it is browning too quickly, cover loosely with foil. Cook 25 mins more(50 mins total).

Cool cake, unmold, dust with powdered sugar & serve.

In other news, Amira continues her horse lessons. Today she got to work with Sadie.

First she brushed her ...

Then lead her down the road and across the way ...

And here she worked with a carrot stick for a bit before riding bareback with a pad.

What a gorgeous day to be out with the horses. Next week: Trotting!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Varmints & Stuff

We had a bit of a cold spell here. Rex & Bailey thought it was funny to put a chicken on the frozen pool. Yes, ha ha. Poor thing barely made it off before cracking the thin ice. This ain't Minnesota, boys!

In other news our possum come a knockin' at the door!

YouTube Video

Michael was pretty sure the possum could be stealing eggs since we weren't getting any. But then his new camera caught the thief ...

In other news, these are not the droids you're looking for. Valerie uses the force at the dinner table.

YouTube Video

Today Amira had her first horse riding lesson. I got to snap off this photo before continuing on my school bus route picking up her siblings. So exciting!