Thursday, May 28, 2015

May Days

This month I was a guest of Amira's at Open House. She showed off her atom made of gum drops. Count the particles and see if you can guess her element!

She gave me the "132" test. I had to complete all my multiplication questions in 2 minutes. Amira corrected me on a couple.

Buster & Spot have been receiving packages and checking them for carrots.

Amira's school also held a lunchtime BBQ where families could join their students for lunch. Michael stayed for a little 4 Square at recess.

Mostly May is a month of racing around from activity to concert to culminating event. It's nuts. But we all find ways to unwind.

Michael plays guitar in the evening.

Amira & I pop some tags at the local Goodwill.

I mean, we don't buy everything we see ... But we have a good time.

And sometimes after a rough day at the office I just need a bunny or two.

Bunnies are assurance that all is well. I love bunnies. Obviously.

Valerie spent the weekend working a wedding and showing goats (not her fave) but had the independence of her teenage years roaming wild with packs of friends at work and play.

Here she is with friends at a wedding. Quinn, Isa, Valerie.

Valerie has an attitude about goats. She says her project for FFA next year will be swine or market sheep... I'm a bit partial to bacon ... But sheep smell better. NO GOATS!

In other news,Valerie won a fish at the fair. I got it some plants and rocks as a congratulations for surviving the first 48 hours.

You can kind of see its tail. But the plants and rocks are the real stars.

Today we sent Valerie off for a one-week backpacking adventure in Yosemite with her eighth grade class. Amira and I took a field trip to Shasta Caverns with her 5th grade class.

We are finishing up guitar for the year and will continue horses in the summer.

In other news, we finally got Buster spayed. Rex was an attentive companion and made sure to bring lots of treats for her. She is a happy recovering bunny.

I'm looking forward to a relaxing summer ... Please.

Well, it is sheep showing season ... It won't be too quiet!