Thursday, June 27, 2013

Black Sheep Gathering

Fresh out of school for the summer and we were off with Valerie's 4-H group to the Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, OR.

We left home at 7am to pick up another family and then hit the road caravanning with the group behind the sheep trailer all day.

When we stopped to get the special orchard grass hay for the little sheep we saw Josh jump out of the cab of the truck with a gossling under his arm.

He'd been carrying that thing around for at least a week before hitting the road. At this point it didn't even identify as a goose. It was just one of the kids ready to show sheep.

I imagined the truck cab full of goose poop but Josh made a diaper for Duster:

The diaper is made from electrical tape and wheelchair pads.

Upon arrival Duster went grazing as the girls unloaded sheep and fixed up their stalls.

We were here to show Shetland sheep. These are a small, primitive breed that was at one time close to extinction. These are very docile and halter trained.

Each morning the girls had to clean stalls, feed, water and walk the sheep.

The kids made little chalk boards for the sheep pens.

Of course there was time to have oatmeal with Duster.

Duster was so spoiled. Here are the trailers where we stayed. Ours is on the right. Duster's is in the middle.

And you really don't want to talk to Duster until she's had her coffee.

Sweet goose. I asked Josh if he was going to tell her she was adopted or if she was going to find out the hard way ... From some other bird on the farm!

In addition to showing sheep, there was a fiber arts show, sheep to shawl spinning & weaving competition and tons of people sitting on the sidelines with spinning wheels, drop spindles or knitting. There was lots of potential for shopping.

I restrained myself since I have tons of natural colored yarn that I purchased from Josh a couple of years ago. So, I got this book I thought would inspire me to finish something.

Adults showed the first couple days of show. So, the kids had barn duty and practice.

On Saturday they got their first taste of show when they showed a flock (2 ewes & a ram). Here's the barn manager, Linda, Maddison & Valerie with their flock.

More fun was had ... There was an ice cream social in the barn

followed by game night at the trailer.

Sunday was the day they had to put on Polo shirts and their cleanest jeans.

Here's the Butte Valley Fiber Sheep gang.

And Valerie with one of her sheep.

I think that is Emmit. He didn't win anything because his horns are not formed right. She knew the judge was judging the sheep, not the kids.

But she did win 2nd place and reserve champion with her ewe!

Next was showmanship. This time the judge was judging kids, not sheep.

Not a great photo. But Valerie is on the far right. She came in 5th place out of about 20 kids. Pretty good for a first show!!

You can see all her ribbons in the back pocket ... Like a real pro!

She and Duster can't wait to do it next year.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Coming Home

I still need to update here about the amazing trip Valerie & I had to the Black Sheep Gathering last week. But for now I feel like I came home to a whole new back yard.

First, our patio and pergola are complete. Yay! It's just begging for patio furniture and some grapevines and other landscaping.

I was showing off our new set up to the neighbor yesterday when we meandered into the garden to find several overripe cucumbers. Honestly! I checked a week ago and there were two little ones. Now there are a ton that will have to go to the chickens!

Here's a view of the East garden this year. It is nightshade central. We have tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants. Special guests include basil, lettuce, chamomile, coriander, hibiscus, volunteer squash, pole beans and sun flowers and amaranth.

Our west garden has some butternut squash, pumpkins, melons and beans. Oh, also some chives, volunteer potatoes and mums. I have a potential plan to till this in and plant pasture for a couple of Shetland sheep. Still thinking about that. Darn cute, they are!!

I harvested some goodies from the yard today. Looks like we'll be having stuffed zucchini, pickles and cucumber salad this week. I think maybe some grilled eggplant too!

I decided that while I was hanging laundry and messing with the garden that it was time for some yard appreciation. Here is my plant barn with a butterfly bush in the foreground. I aspire to paint the chicken house theses colors too someday.

Our red flame grapes are busting out. I sneaked a taste this morning. They are crisp and tart but feel like they will sweeten up beautifully. This gives me hope for my pergola plans!

My sunnies!!!

Artichokes are delicious and beautiful.

I'm lacto-fermenting these pickles. Cukes, garlic, dill, coriander and grape leaves from the yard. Everything else came from the store. But, hey, it's not like we live in the spice islands. We're doing pretty good considering!

We also have ripe donut peaches!!! These guys are amazing and will all be eaten within days,

And this little plumb was my morning snack. I feel so lucky. It was insanely perfect just off the tree.

Moving to this house has provided so many great experiences and a ton of yard food in addition to great neighborhood kids. It's not perfect and I'm no Martha Stewart ... But it is uniquely Rancho Wilhelm and a happy place at that.

Location:The. Back Yard

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Big Day for Amira

Amira has been wanting to get her ears pierced for years. Finally after demonstrating some responsible behavior, for months in a row, we decided this was the time. I told her that when I got back from the Black Sheep Gathering that we would make time to do it.

Tonight Valerie was spending the night at a friend's house and Rex had back to back volleyball and scouts. It seemed like a good time to take Amira out for her special event.

We went down to Clair's at the mall where Valerie got her ears pierced three years ago. It was great timing. Amira hopped right up on the chair, picked out a sparkling pair of posts, got the schpeel about leaving these posts in for at least 6 weeks and cleaning them 3 times a day then went for it.

Naturally I forgot my camera/iPod. Poor third child! So, I took these photos of her ears when we got home:

Well, I sat down to put those pix in the blog when Amira and her friend, Madelyn, came out to tell me they had a problem. Amira said she was messing with her earring and it came out. Neither of them could get the earring back in. Ugh!!

Back down to the mall. The lady at Clair's cleaned up her ear and tried to push it back through with no luck. So, she had to call her manager to get permission to re-pierce her ear.

This time I had my camera:

The real story came out later. Apparently she wanted to take out these earrings and put in a different pair ... Regardless of the rules that were set out initially that she had to keep these in for 6 weeks. Giiiirl!

Location:The Mall

Sunday, June 9, 2013

While some people were out bagging ground squirrel for a cattle farmer (saving the lives of cows ... Temporarily I assume) others had to hold down the fort.

Mmm! Trophy squirrel ...

Since it wasn't a sweltering inferno today as it was yesterday, I was able to do a bit of pinching and weeding in the front herb and flower bed and hang out some sheets to dry. Honestly, the laundry I hung out yesterday actually spontaneously combusted by 10am. I decided to duck and cover under the shelter of the AC. (I know what you people in Phoenix are thinking: Wuss!) okay, yes.

Amira had her doppelgänger, Eily, over for a sleep over last night. Once Eily went home, she found some time to play with Precious (as we refer to my amazing iPod. I've even got Siri in French! Apparently my enunciation still sucks because he's like, "What?!")

Anyhow, I harvested gobs thyme and some calendula. I'm thinking of making my own healing salves instead of dropping coin down at the co-op.

Echinacea and roses were begging to be cut back and placed on the table. Really dresses up burger night!

Other delights of the season involve gaping at the bees that dive into the blooming artichokes like clown fish in anemones. I found this cool fuzzy black spider with white spots lurking about. I shall call him Spot. (It's true, I'm not allowed to name the pets anymore).

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the last Camp Kelly Hefeweizen found lurking in the garage fridge. Thanks, Scott! You are an awesome brewmaster (yes, both Scotts, but you know who you are).

And the rest of the family is playing in the dolphin holding tank.

This week we are supposed to get the pergola installed and the concrete sealed. I wahoo! Looking forward to a summer with some shade out back. And looking forward to planting grapes and other amazing things to canopy our back living space. Yay!!! I love pergolas. Thanks to my sweetie for staining ALL THAT WOOD.

Location:Squirrels, herbs, pergolas