Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ironic Names

Today we received the preliminary report from the lab on Fat (Phat). What we've discovered is that we should avoid names that could be ironic. For instance, "Lucky" was the poor hen that got carried off by a hawk. And Fat, well, ....

In case you can't read that, it basically says she's fat and died of a ruptured liver.

I have to confess, all of my chickens are on the large side. I never considered them to be obese ... perhaps I'm in denial? Well, we'll get the tests in another week or so to see if there was something else to it all (bacterial or otherwise). Although I had just read a snippet on about a similar sudden death with someone else's Buff Orpington. Their tests came back also saying that the chicken was obese and died of a ruptured liver.

I don't know ... maybe it was the cocktails? (Actually, there was no pun intended originally there).

1 comment:

  1. Turns out final report confirms Phat died of a ruptured liver probably due to obesity. No parasites, viral or bacterial infections indicated. Really? Wow.
