Sunday, September 6, 2015

Hiking at Donner

It's Labor Day weekend. True to our schedule of getting up to Donner, it seems that we can only make it up on those nutty holiday weekends that everyone else does. But once we get past the boat launches and crowds headed to the beach, we find the solace of the cabin quite enchanting.

This weekend Rex stayed home to attend his paintball duties. He's on a team, so he really shouldn't miss a practice. (Thanks, Alligator, for driving him!)

Valerie felt the need to stay at home too so she could catch up on the vast quantities of homework as well as earn some money doing chores for the neighbors.

As a bonus, Rex & Valerie will take care of all the critters back at the Rancho. Thanks!

So, we packed Amira in the car and scooted her up to the cabin. We've had some nice hikes and lots of card games (Hearts, Cribbage & Black Jack. Amira and I lost some money at Black Jack ... So no more of that!)

Today we went up to the PCT by Boreal. That is always such a nice hike.

We saw some catfish in this lake.

There was some bouldering to make it all interesting.

Look at Amira & Michael go!

Mountain goats, I say!

This selfie brought to you by Cabellas.

If you look way up to the tippy top of that rock, you can kind of make us out. Michael put his phone on a rock down below on time lapse to get this one, clever guy!

Well, off to the beach to gawk at the crowds and see who is brave enough to get into the frigid lake! (Not me. I plan to bring a book and a chair. If the mood strikes, I might check out some ping pong paddles & a ball).

Tomorrow it sounds like we will join the throngs of traffic on the interstate returning from Burning Man. Big fun!

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