Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Vega$ Baby!

It's been 12 years for us! And as happens most anniversaries, Michael had to work. So, this time I tagged along. His job happened to be in Las Vegas and his room in the Palazzo. I have to say that Las Vegas is the least sustainable city I have ever seen. And everything is on such a huge scale. Once I took off my critical tree hugger goggles, I was able to totally enjoy my brief trip and live it up. Most of all, enjoying some uninterrupted time with Michael was the best. And it didn't hurt that when he had to go to work on Sunday I spent pretty much the entire day in the spa getting some reflexology, aromatherapy, massage, sauna, igloo, wave room, etc. treatment. That was a dream.

Upon driving home from the Sacramento airport on a rainy day (my sinuses were so thankful to be out of the desert/casino) I was treated to so much bird watching. Elegant egrets, regal hawks and giant heron all made appearances on the sides of the road as I drove north. My favorite part of the trip is seeing the plumage on the roosters and the other feral chickens in Yuba City. Those birds are amazing!

Of course today it was back to the grind of getting kids off to school, working, cooking, exercising.

I don't know if it's true what they say about "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". I think those five extra pounds followed me home!

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