Sunday, October 5, 2014

Lambtown 2014

This weekend our family seemed to scatter in different directions. Michael was in L.A. for a job while Valerie headed off to a sheep show in Dixon as Amira and went to honor our friend and former neighbor, Eunice, as she turned 90! Where was Rex? He was in movie theater lockdown as a car chase complete with guns tore through North Valley Plaza. Yes, he was safely inside the theater watching the Maze Runner with some friends.

Amira and I briefly stopped into the Goodwill at North Valley Plaza oblivious of the drama unfolding outside. I guess Goodwill doesn't go into lock down. But it should! These shoes we found are criminal!

Mother/daughter key lime stiletto set. Holy moly!

Okay, on to the sheep show report. Bambi (show name Feather) placed 3rd amongst the primitive breed ewe lambs.

But our man, Forbes, got first place amongst ram lambs and champion in the set.

Here's Valerie with her award winning boy:

Amira and I came down just for the show and a quick lunch today. Here's the super selfie:

On the way out, it was pointed out that the place is crawling with enormous black widows. Lots of them.

Well, at least it wasn't snakes.

Have fun cleaning the sheep pens, Valerie! We'll see you back at home.

It's Sunday night and we are preparing for another action packed week! Rex has baseball & scouts. He's enjoying some Fall ball at the moment.

Valerie catches up with school, 4-H, orchestra, cello & piano lessons. Amira is in a school groove and is enjoying guitar.

In the meantime, because I am a livestock & school bus driver in addition to my other duties and day job, the van has become the farm and field trip vehicle.

Yes, the sheep are in the back seat.

Michael brought home a real commuter car that runs on all electricity!!

This is our new little snowball. It gets about 100 miles to a full charge. It fits a family of 5 or 4 of us & a cello. It's going to save us gas $$$! It's actually a fun little car. It's been so nice to not stop at the gas station.

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