Monday, March 14, 2011

Typhoid Mary

So, there has been this nasty virus ripping through the school like a tornado, randomly touching down on families leaving total destruction in its wake or leaving people completely unscathed. I watched kids go from having a completely normal activity level to clutching their heads and stomachs and barely able to stand. This was usually followed by a high fever and a racking cough that would keep the kid out of school for many, many days. Sometimes this would evolve into a secondary infection like bronchitis or it would just go away.

My kids seemed to pass untouched by this virus. I heard from a mom that it was confirmed to be Influenza B. I understand from our local microbiologist (Thanks, Alan!) that this is actually a good thing as Influenza A is the kind that morphs into other things and can keep coming at us. If we've had the less mutant B strain already, then we are likely immune to it.

Amira seemed like she was fighting of a little cold last week. She had a sniffle and a cough. I kept her well rested. There was no fever or other aches and pains. I figured we'd dodged that bullet. On Friday after school she wanted to go home with a friend and play. I had been making her rest and go to bed early the prior two days, but she seemed to be doing really well and I didn't want to be overprotective and have a resentful whining kid on my hands. I let her go home with her friend.

Not only did Amira have a date with her friend after school, but I'd arranged to go out wine tasting with some friends that evening. And the dad of one of Rex's friends offered to watch all three of monkeys so that his wife and I could go out. How generous!

Needless to say, I had a great time (while poor Michael was off in Las Vegas slaving away for the family). I visited New Clairvaux for a tasting with my grown up friends. Imagine, a little wine (not whine) and adult conversation. It was fabulous! We didn't even stay out late.

When we got back to pick up the kids around 9:00P.M. Amira was complaining of a sore throat and her face looked a little flushed. My friend asked if she felt feverish. I felt her and she seemed fine. I guess I was in denial. I took the kids home and popped them into bed. At 3:00A.M. Amira woke me up to tell me that her head hurt, her stomach hurt and she felt dizzy. It looked like someone slapped her across the face and she was pretty hot and feverish. Way to go, mom. Once again, I have to pardon myself so I can get down to that trophy shop to pick up another "Mother of the Year" award. Honestly, they must have a stock pile pre-engraved just for me. I've earned them on so many occasions.

I guess I just totally exposed this generous family to infection. Also, I was supposed to drop the kids off at grandma's house in the morning as I was to attend a memorial service for my neighbor, Howard, who just passed away. That deal was off. If I exposed anyone else to this it would be unforgivable. So, all plans were off that weekend. No funerals. No skating. No clothing swap. Amira crashed on the couch for two days feverish, sweating, no appetite, sleeping or eyes at half mast. I looked around wondering which of us would go down next. Clearly we had not escaped this tornado!

The good news is that the fever is gone now and she is officially bored and home from school and driving me crazy. She still has a hacking cough. So, I will keep her home another day at least until we both can't stand it. My goal is to have her completely well by Wednesday. Rex's class is having a poetry dinner at school. I've invited my neighbor, Eunice, who has to be climbing the walls of her house now that her husband is gone. But I want to make sure I don't expose her to any unnecessary nastiness.

In the mean time, lots of elderberry, broth, tea, rest and other little immune boosters for us! No sense leaving the door open for another gust.

I wish the rest of you good health!

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